
In coevolutionary processes, the fitness of one organism or species depends on the characteristics of the other organisms or species with which it interacts, while all simultaneously adapt and change." At every moment natural selection is operating to change the genetic composition of populations in response to the momentary environment, but as that composition changes it forces a concommittent change in the environment itself. Organism and environment and environment are both causes and effects in a coevolutionary process." (Lewontin, Triple Helix, p. 126)

A consequence of the codetermination of the organism and its environment is that they co-evolve. “ One cannot make a sensible environmental politics with the slogan "Save the Environment, first, because "the" environment does not exist and second because every species, not only the human species, is at every moment constructing and destroying the world it inhabits. (Lewontin and Levin) see ecology